- Hope-Page Public School District #85
- Employment Opportunities
Employment Opportunities
The Hope-Page District is committed to maintaining a learning and working environment free from discrimination and harassment in all employment and educational programs, activities, and facilities. The District prohibits discrimination and harassment based on an individual's race, color, religion, sex, gender identity, national origin, ancestry, disability, age, or other status protected by law. External applicants are eligible for ND Veteran's Preference: North Dakota veterans claiming preference must submit all proof of eligibility by the closing date. Proof of eligibility includes form DD214, and if claiming disabled veteran's status, a current letter of disability. Questions/concerns can be directed to Alli Roller, Business Manager/Title IX Coordinator at 701.668.2520/701.945.2473.
Activity Bus Drivers- Starting pay is $18.00-$22.00/hour- paid for driving and sit time. Free admission to games. - For more information, please contact Brandon Benth, Athletic Director at brandon.benth@k12.nd.us or 701.945.2473.
CERTIFIED STAFF---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The following positions are open. Please contact Brandon Benth at brandon.benth@k12.nd.us or 701-945-2473 if interested.
- Head Volleyball Coach
- Assistant Volleyball Coach
- C Squad Volleyball Coach
- Game Day Workers
Hope-Page Employment Application
Hope-Page Coaching Application