• Information about the Proposed School District Reorganization (Consolidation) of Hope 10 School District and Page 80 School District

    The Hope and Page School Districts have been operating under a Cooperative Education Agreement for nearly two decades.  During this this time, the districts have worked together to develop and improve the educational opportunities for the students served by the same.  Consolidation of the two districts into a single district will encourage continued growth and innovation by allowing school staff to maximize the use of resources and reallocate any benefits realized by the same to the core mission of providing a high quality education to all students that is reflective of the strong community values of both districts.


    The Boards of Hope and Page School Districts made the reorganization (consolidation) a priority and approved a resolution identifying the same as a Board goal for the 2018-2019 school year.


    Goal 2- During the 2018-2019 school year, the Boards will take the necessary steps to pursue (reorganization) consolidation of the school districts.”




    What is “Reorganization”?

    School District Reorganization (more commonly known as consolidation) is a process provided for in North Dakota Century Code Chapter 15.1-12, which allows two or more contiguous school districts, or parts of two or more contiguous school districts to become a single new reorganized (consolidated) district.


    What is the process that must be followed?

    • The school boards of the involved districts must initiate the process by voting to pursue reorganization.
      • The Hope and Page Boards voted to pursue reorganization (consolidation) at the August 8, 2018 Regular Meeting. The Superintendent was directed to develop a plan for reorganization that addressed the requirements in North Dakota Century Code 15.1-12-10.  


    • A reorganization plan must be prepared.
      • Monthly updates related to the Plan were provided to the Boards at each meeting.

         A downloadable copy of the Reorganization Plan.               


    • The approved plan is then submitted the county superintendent having jurisdiction over the major portion of property in each participating school district.
      • The Board approved Reorganization Plan was submitted in January, 2019 to the County Superintendent of Schools/Designee for the Counties of Cass and Steele.



    • April 15, 2019 - Testimony before the State Board of Education.


    • May 23, 2019 - Notification of Reorganization Plan is approved by the State Board of Public School Education.


    • July 8, 2019 - District receives formal notification of Special Election date of September 10, 2019.


    • July 18, 2019 -  The School Boards vote to approve Special Election Date of September 10, 2019.


    •  August 2, 2019 - Notice of Special Election is issued.


    • August 21, 2019 - Update Meetiing in Page.


    • August 28, 2019 - Update Meeting in Hope.


    • September 10, 2019 - The plan must be voted on and approved by the electorate in each school district involved in the reorganization plan.


     If approved, what is the timeline for implementation?

    Approved reorganizations are always effective on July 1 in the year following the approval of the reorganization.

    How will the reorganization (consolidation) impact....


    Students will experience no changes to how school operates or which school they attend. 

    Page Elementary will continue to house students in grades K - 6 and a new school sponsored Spartan Preschool will be available.

    Hope High School will continue house students in grade 7-12.

    The improved efficiency of consolidation will put the reorganized district in a position to expand available instructional offerings for all students including post-secondary credit opportunities, STEM programming, Choice Ready guidance activities, summer enrichment and newer technologies.


    There will be no immediate changes in staffing levels and formalizing the existing shared powers agreement under a reorganization plan will provide greater long term financial stability to both districts thereby allowing the recruitment and retention of the highest quality educators in the state.


    The Elementary School in Page and High School in Hope shall continue to work to expand connections with the home by providing an open and welcome environment that encourages two-way communication.  Parents can be assured that the benefits of a smaller school community and updated buildings will guarantee individualized educational options and expanded opportunities.  


    The heart of any strong and progressive community is its schools.  The stability brought by the reorganization plan will ensure a long term visible presence of the established tradition of providing a high quality educational experience for every student.  The plan includes provisions for a thorough evaluation of the current facilities to develop a multi-year master facility plan that will include updates and maintenance planning that addresses the needs of each existing building and adds tangible value to the communities.

    Where can I get more details?

    1. Click here for a downloadable copy of the Reorganization Plan: Submitted Reorganization Plan

    2. Attend one of the Reorganization Plan Meetings:

    Meeting Dates:

                            7:00 PM Wednesday, February 13 @ Hope School

    Cass and Steele Reorganization Committee(s) and Board Members from Hope 10 and Page 80 School Districts will hear input and take action on the proposed plan.

    For more information, contact Steele County Superintendent of Schools, Emily Wigen @ 701.524.2110

                            7:00 PM Wednesday, February 27 @ Page School

    Board Members from Hope 10 and Page 80 School Districts and School Administration will hear input and provide information.

    For more information, please contact Hope 10 and Page 80 School District Superintendent - Brad Callender @ 701.668.2520 or 701.945.2473

                            11:00 AM Wednesday, March 6 @ TBD

    Board Members from Hope 10 and Page 80 School Districts and School Administration will hear input and provide information.

    For more information, please contact Hope 10 and Page 80 School District Superintendent - Brad Callender @ 701.668.2520 or 701.945.2473

                           10:00 AM Monday, April 15 @ Department of Public Instruction

                           Regular Board Meeting    

    8:00 PM Thursday, July 18 @ Hope School

    Regular and Organizational School Board Meetings of the Hope 10 and Page 80 School Districts

                                   7:00 PM Wednesday, August 21 @ Page School

    Plan Update Meeting

                                   7:00 PM Wednesday, August 28 @ Hope School

    Plan Update Meeting

                   3. Call and schedule a meeting with Superintendent Brad Callender

    Page Elementary School: 701.668.2520

    Hope High School: 701.945.2473